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"The Masters say that you have got the man body, which is the highest rung in all Creation, in which you can turn your love from the world to God. Now we have to see how far we have developed. Have we really got love for God? If so, God will meet you, sure and certain. But if you have got at heart of hearts the love of the world, which is called attachment, then you will come back again and again, that's all. We have to develop love of God. Only the question remains, where are we now attached?" – Sant Kirpal Singh
CONTACT Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517, INDIA
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CONTACT Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517, INDIA
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The human body is a prototype of the entire creation, including not only the physical world but also the astral, causal, and super causal worlds, and the Creator also resides within. It is a wonderful house that we live in. And what is our destiny? We are the same essence as that of God, we are not different from God. But we are very different in our thoughts, in what we do and say.
Read more - SIMRAN
In this podcast episode, Sant Kirpal Singh comments on a hymn of Guru Amardas.
READ MORE: TALK "God and man" by Sant Kirpal Singh
Satsang given by Sant Kirpal Singh on the hymn of Bulleh Shah Listed under number H010
READ MORE: KIRPAL SAGAR – detailed information about the project Kirpal Sagar
BOOKLETS "Collected documentations about Kirpal Sagar" – Download free
Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517,
Phone.: +91-1823 240 064 / +91-1823 266 110
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#santkirpalsingh #kirpalsagar #spirituality
In this podcast episode, Sant Kirpal Singh tells us that we have a higher goal than our present state of being. We are divine in nature; we are spirit in man. Since the spirit is eternal, we are eternal as well. Realize the Godhood that already exists within you.
Read more: Sant Kirpal Singh - GODMAN
Satsang on hymn of Kabir, "O ignorant soul, why do you not attempt to know God." Listed under the number H008
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CONTACT Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517, INDIA
Phone.: +91-1823 240 064 /
+91-1823 266 110
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#santkirpalsingh #satsang #spirituality
"Today we are talking about a very important subject, karma, which is the root cause of our suffering, the root cause of our physical existence in this world and the root cause of all the problems of the world. If we know this subject completely, I can assure you that you will not be misguided in the world, for you will know how to overcome karma, how to overcome the riddle of your life. And knowing this, you will also be able to solve the purpose of your human life very well. In a few words, then, what is karma? To bind ourselves with our own actions, to bind ourselves with our own deeds and to bind ourselves with our own thoughts." – Dr. Harbhajan Singh
BOOK "The wheel of life: The law of action and reaction" by Sant Kirpal Singh – Download free
Satsang in Hindi on Ramayana, "O God, make us the slave of your slaves" Listed under the number H006
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CONTACT Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517, INDIA
Phone.: +91-1823 240 064 /
+91-1823 266 110
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#santkirpalsingh #satsang #spirituality
Sant Kirpal Singh – Bace’s Hall, Hollywood, California - Dec 11, 1963
Sant Kirpal Singh had given the initiation on the same day, and in a heart-to-heart talk he elaborated the meaning of initiation:
"As I told you, these are a few of the words which come out of my heart to you all, whom I hold dear the most. You are all more dear to me than my sons, my own family. I wish you progress, spiritually. You have the human body by the grace of God, and by the grace of God, you have been given a contact with God. That you have to develop with due regard to the self-introspection which will come up by keeping regular diaries. If you live up to it, everything will be cleared, I tell you honestly. If you sit by fire, all cold will go; if you sit by ice, all heat will go. When your soul comes into contact with the Light and Sound principle, all doubts will go. Doubts and other things arise because we don't live up to what we say.
These are the few words I'm telling you at the time I am with you physically. I may not be able to see you, or you may not be able to see me physically, but the God-power, which is the true Master, now resides with you and "shall never leave you till the end of the world." It will take you to the true Father, and the true Father will take you to the Wordless state of God. My best wishes are with each one of you."
Sant Kirpal Singh
In this podcast episode, which took place in Delhi on 23 October 1967, Sant Kirpal Singh underlines that the human body is the golden opportunity that we have got in which we can change our love from the world to God. Kabir says if we have neglected this subject all through life, now we should wake up and divert our attention from the world to God. Pray to God that He may develop that love in you for Him. Or have such a society which goes to develop your love in that way.
Satsang by Sant Kirpal Singh, held on a hymn of Kabir Sahib Listed under number H003
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CONTACT Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517, INDIA
Phone.: +91-1823 240 064 /
+91-1823 266 110
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#santkirpalsingh #satsang #spirituality
In this podcast episode, "How to live in the world" Dr. Harbhajan Singh explains that there are many, many ways how man is misled in the world and does not find the (right) way. He is so much occupied in the world with the pursuit of other things, most of which are useless. But we can develop this man body as a fort because we can acquire all those virtues which our Sant Kirpal Singh has got and which are also described in the holy scriptures.
Read more: Biography of Dr. Harbhajan Singh
Satsang by Sant Kirpal Singh held at Dayal Singh College, in Karnal, on 21 January 1955 Listed under number H002
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/ sant_kirpalsingh
CONTACT Kirpal Sagar (Near Rahon)
Distt. Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar (Nawanshahar)
Punjab-144 517, INDIA
Phone.: +91-1823 240 064 /
+91-1823 266 110
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#santkirpalsingh #satsang #spirituality
"What things help us to know ourselves, what things are not helping factors, and how we can analyse ourselves from the outgoing faculties and intellect, is a practical subject. This is truly called Spirituality." – Sant Kirpal Singh
Read more: Spirituality - What it is?
Our new Video-Channel "Kirpal Sagar Official":
SECOND PART of this wonderful talk in honour of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, accompanied by beautiful Shabads sung with love and devotion by Pathi.
Our new Video-Channel "Kirpal Sagar Official":
WE HAD THE GOOD FORTUNE to have seen Him with this physical eyes, moving on earth in all humility of saints and humility personified, showering His blessings all around to all who came to His feet. Thus, in His ninetieth year on the morning of 2nd April 1948, at 8:30, (Hazur Baba Sawan Singh) this brilliant Sun of Spirituality, after diffusing His light in the hearts of millions of masses, disappeared. − Sant Kirpal Singh
In this podcast episode, "What is our subject?" Dr. Harbhajan Singh explains that no-one is happy in this world, and it is only our attention that makes us feel happy. When we withdraw our attention from somewhere, we become unhappy. This life is a series of interruptions. We are identified in it, so much so that we have become the same as that of the body. We say: "We are the body." We do not differentiate it. Are we the body? No, we are not the body – we are soul!
Read more - Godpower - Christpower - Masterpower.
In this podcast episode "To know God" Sant Kirpal Singh explains that in the man-body, the highest rung of creation, lies the pathway to knowing God. It is considered to be the true temple of God. God resides in every heart, and we also reside in the same temple. Both of us – our own self and God – reside in this very same man-body, but the pity is that we cannot speak to God. To see God or to find God or to converse with God, we have to enter this laboratory of the man-body. To know God is to have the Water of Life and the Bread of Life that will quench your thirst forever and appease your hunger forever. It is coming in contact with the God Power, which is the Light and Sound-Principle.
Read more - Godpower - Christpower - Masterpower.
Sant Kirpal Singh gave a poignant heart-to-heart talk with the message, "O my dear mind, please listen to me, it is time to see God!" The atmosphere was emphasized by the shabads of love and devotion sung by Pathi.
Read more:
Books of Sant Kirpal Singh
This Podcast episode in Hindi by Sant Kirpal Singh was held on the occasion of Diwali. "The true meaning behind the festival of Lights – Diwali should be practised, and that is to enkindle the light, the true Light of the Lord, within. On this day the people clean the house, throw out all the worn-out unwanted things, whitewash the walls, and light the lamps and candles; but this is outer Diwali. Truly speaking, Diwali will be fruitful if the inner Light is lighted. When the Light is lit inside, that is an indication of the manifestation of God. This is achieved only when all the dirt and filth in the heart is washed away.
Read more: Biography of Sant Kirpal Singh
In this podcast episode during Dr Harbhajan Singh's visit to Europe, he placed great emphasis on understanding the importance of a true master and meditation. Originally, meditation had the goal of becoming one with the Overself. Today, many different goals are pursued instead, such as improving the ability to concentrate, reducing stress, health, etc.
The saints and masters, on the other hand, teach the path of meditation that leads beyond body-consciousness and connects the soul at its seat with the God-power, which manifests in the form of light and sound (Naam). To discuss this – who is the Master, what is meditation – we have to distinguish many things, but if you understand everything, you will have a gift of life within you.
Read more: Books of Sant Kirpal Singh
"You all have the manbody, but you are not the manbody. You are conscious entities, a drop of the ocean of all consciousness. Our true home is not this earthly body or this world. That is a long way off, of course, but this manbody is given to us as a golden opportunity to go back to our home. Is there any help for that? So God makes arrangements to bring you in contact where your way up is ensured. That way up starts when you rise above body-consciousness. He has arranged planes to fly back to your home the quickest way. Those planes fly from the airport. And our soul that has to find a place in the aeroplane."
Sant Kirpal Singh
Read more: Biography of Sant Kirpal Singh
Wonderful talk in honour of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, accompanied by beautiful Shabads sung with love and devotion by Pathi and Sangat.
Read more: Biography of H.H. Baba Sawan Singh
In this podcast episode from 1955, during Sant Kirpal Singh's First World Tour, He enthralled audiences in the United States and Europe with His emphasis on the importance of Self-knowledge and God-knowledge. The simplicity and clarity of His words in this excellent introductory talk touched the heart of all. The recording of this talk is very clear throughout and easy for the audience to understand, including those who had difficulty understanding Sant Kirpal Singh's English.
Read more: Books of Sant Kirpal Singh
Today is the festival of Baisakhi, which is celebrated in different ways according to the various religious customs. Nature itself celebrates by sprouting of new buds and leaves, and the new life begins from this season. We should take a lesson from Nature and sprout forth with a new life. - Sant Kirpal Singh
Books of Sant Kirpal Singh.
"Make the best use of your being in this world because it is your chance. It is a chance. It is a gift from God. We have forgotten this mystery." — Dr. Harbhajan Singh
This is no new faith, no new religion – nor am I going to advocate any religion whatsoever. There are already so many faiths existing. Do you follow me? This gathering here is a purely spiritual gathering, a common ground for all to sit together, irrespective of whether they belong to one religion or the other. As a man we are one; as a soul we are one; and also the one whom we worship God– is also the same. There is no ism here, no ritual, no rites, no special form of prayers. – Sant Kirpal Singh
What is an ideal man? He is an embodiment of love; he has realized himself and realized God; he sees the Light of God immanent in every form.
Books of Sant Kirpal Singh – PDF Download free:
Books of Sant kirpal Singh
"The Saints and the true devotees of God have all told of the Light and the Sound. Whatever references I have found, by parallel study of religions, I have incorporated into the book "Naam or Word"; so if you are interested in the references you will find them there."
Sant Kirpal Singh
BOOK "Naam or Word" – PDF Download free:
WHAT IS OUR CONDITION? We are identified into the body. We are identified, so much so that our attention is going very deep into the world. And this is a big illusion. We must know our relationship with the world. World is not permanent, our body also not permanent. But there is some power, higher power that sustains the whole creation and that sustain the body, that is eternal. And its contact with us is unbreakable and fresh, forever. Our concern is with that very power.
READ MORE: COLLECTION of transcribed talks and lectures by Dr Harbhajan Singh:
A talk given by Sant Kirpal Singh, Florida, December 7, 1972
"THE PEOPLE ARE CRYING FOR PEACE. HOW CAN WE HAVE IT? Peace should start from our hearts. We should give out peace as prayed by Guru Nanak: "Peace be unto all the world over, under Thy Will, O God." And for this, naturally, there must be a spiritual revolution.
The world is already in revolution; but this revolution should be different. This revolution should not be of the body, but against the evil propensities of the mind which keep us away from God." – Sant Kirpal Singh
Read more: "World Peace in Atomic Age" by Sant Kirpal Singh
There is the will of God, and there is the free will of man. Both exist together. But nobody knows the will of God. But we can attune our will to the will of God only by following the footsteps of our competent Master, otherwise not.
How easy it is! Now there are His footsteps; there was a time, when there were no footsteps. Now we are fortunate that in the present world we have lots of holy scriptures which are written in one opinion, and we can make the best use of them. We have to make the best use of them. These are the timeless footsteps, time does not concern with. They always remain fresh with us.
We are very wise and know a lot about our physical being and how to keep it fit and fine. In the realm of intellect as well, we have taken tremendous strides. We are busy investigating the interplanetary systems. The knowledge of the Reality is quite a different thing, and we have never tried to probe into it, nor do we know the means to do so.
A talk given by Dr. Harbhajan Singh in Berlin/Germany, June 3, 1994
Those who want to be successful in their life, in their worldly pursuits and in the spiritual way of life, they have to start it from within and not from outside.
A talk given by Dr. Harbhajan Singh in St. Gilgen, July 10, 1988
GODPOWER, CHRISTPOWER, MASTERPOWER – Audio Talk by Sant Kirpal Singh on December 25, 1963
"I have had the great pleasure to present to you for your consideration this Christmas Night, truths which I have come to know through experience and by study of comparative religion." – Sant Kirpal Singh
Get the Booklet "GODPOWER - CHRISTPOWER - MASTERPOWER" by Sant Kirpal Singh here:
This is Thanksgiving Day for all – each one of us personally should stand up and thank Him, you see. Not only this moment, but throughout the day, every day, every moment of life.
He has given us the manbody; that is the greatest reason for Thanksgiving Day, because there are hundreds of other bodies in which we can do nothing.
Manbody is the golden opportunity which has been afforded us in which we can go back Home. Is it not the greatest Thanksgiving Day? - Sant Kirpal Singh
Get the Book "BIOGRAPHY of Sant Kirpal Singh" by Sant Kirpal Singh here:
Biography of Sant Kirpal Singh
We are fortunate in this twentieth century that we have got scriptures, which are a fine record of the valuable sayings – words of wisdom – which the various Masters gave out in their times. What do they contain? The scriptures are a record of the experiences that the Masters had with God and with knowing one's self – what things helped them on the way and what things stood in the way. By reading the scriptures, we develop an interest to have the same experiences that the Masters had with God in their lives.
Get the Book "Sant Kirpal Singh - His life and Mission" here:
Sant Kirpal Singh - His Life and Mission
Dr. Harbhajan Singh describes in a simple and beautiful way the most important steps in our life - yearning, devotion and love for God. This gives us eternal life, a constant, unbreakable contact with the Godpower. It is ever fresh and does not change at any moment.
Get the Book "In Honour of Dr Harbhajan_Singh" here:
In Honour of Dr. Harbhajan Singh
During His Third World Tour 1972 on 13 September, Sant Kirpal Singh spoke at the Chamber of Commerce, Southhall, Middlesex, London, at 6:30 p.m. So many came that all the chairs had to be removed in order to accommodate everybody. Sant Kirpal Singh gave a beautiful talk on the verse of Guru Ramdas, "Rama ham dasan das karija", and explained its meanings, pointing out that we should derive maximum benefit from the golden opportunity that we had.
Get the Book "Sant Kirpal Singh - His Life and Mission" here:
Sant Kirpal Singh - His Life and Mission
All of us, brothers and sisters, are celebrating the birthday of our Hazur Baba Sawan Singh. By the company of such a great Saint, one gets the intoxication of spirituality.
Title: Mere Preetam Pyare by Bhai Tarbalbir Singh Ji
Album: Mere Preetam Pyare
Lizensed to YouTube durch: Unisys Music (im Auftrag von Frankfinn Entertainment)
Get the Article "Sawan Singh" (excerpt from the Biography of Sant Kirpal Singh) here:
Sawan Singh
Man spends his whole life exploring the so-called wonders of the world in outer things and places, but few ever dream of exploring the inner depths of this wonderful house in which we live – the physical form.
Get the booklet "Truthful living is still above Truth" from here:
Sayings of Sant Kirpal Singh –Truthful living is still above Truth
SATSANG is the sacred arena where spiritual stalwarts are built. It is the pool of nectar which grants blissful God-intoxication and all differences of caste, creed, or country sink down to their lowest ebb. Your purpose in coming to Satsang is to imbibe the love of God, to sit in His sweet remembrance, to unite with Him. All things, past and future, all irrelevant matters can be dealt within your own place of residence. Come, but come with the very best of intentions. Bring the remembrance of the Lord with you, and take it with you when you leave. Even though you may not understand all that is said, yet if you sit with full attention you will profit by it.
Get the book "Morning Talks" from here (Download):
Morning Talks
The subject of meditation is directly connected with the purpose of human life, the development of the consciousness – the soul or spirit in man. Nowadays, meditation is done like breakfast is taken. Some people meditate to fulfil their wishes, some meditate for peace of mind. Some people meditate to gain riches in the world, name and fame. Some people do it only for the building of the body, to get rid of the diseases. Some people make a show of their meditation, there are mesmerism, spiritism, spiritualism, there are hundreds of branches out of it, and they have nothing to do with spirituality on the contrary they are dangerous traps for the soul. Some meditate to acquire supernatural powers, some meditate to influence others, and some people meditate for salvation. With these aims, however, one stays on the level of mind and cannot reach the plane of consciousness. There are a thousand ways of meditation, which will not take us anywhere. So it is of great importance to find out what is that meditation, which will transcend us above the body consciousness and take us back to home eternal. Which is that meditation, which provides us the water of Life and bread of Life?
Get the booklet "SIMRAN" from here (Download):
"The purpose of human life is to know the secret of life. But, strange as it may seem, we remain indifferent to it. This world is a pantomime show. It is a stage on which we come, play our part, and then depart. Why has this stage been set? Nobody can say. We can, however, go to the stage director to understand the purpose and plan of stage-setting. There is some Power that is upholding all this play, and we are mere actors or puppets on the stage of life. We cannot, however, escape from this stage until the part allotted to us is performed. He alone knows how long this play is to last and in what way each one of us is gathered." - Sant Kirpal Singh
Get the Book "When Reality is - then it must also be possible, to experience it" from here (Download):
Talk in Salzburg / Austria – July 30th, 1993
"SO MUCH IS SAID ABOUT THE THIRD EYE, all Masters have told about the Third Eye, even competent Masters tell about it, and so-called ‘masters’ tell us, but there is a very big distance (between the two); that of the earth and sky. Everyone says, “Here is the seat of the soul”, but no one knows where is the seat of the soul. Because that is not made of the flesh. Before we reach at the seat of the soul, below is the intellect, then is the mind and afterward there is the soul. If you do not overcome the intellect and mind, how can you reach at the seat of the soul? This is such a subject, if you understand it, then I assure you that you will never be misguided or misled by anybody in the world." — Dr. Harbhajan Singh
Get the Booklet "MAN! KNOW THYSELF" by Sant Kirpal Singh from here (Download):
Radio Interview of the Siddhartha Foundation, Massachusetts
"Masters' path to the higher consciousness is first to know about his own Self as conscious being. Soul is a drop of the ocean of all consciousness and all Masters in the past told us: "Man know thyself" – who we are, what we are. We are conscious entities, having the man-body – the highest in all creation, and by this it is possible to know oneself. Unless one man knows himself, he cannot know the higher consciousness. So this is a practical subject for which a demonstration is given first to know oneself." - Sant Kirpal Singh
INTERVIEW with David Tuturner and Sant Kirpal Singh in the broadcast "On the Path to Higher Consciousness". The programme is produced by the "Siddharta-foundation for the study of higher consciousness" in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Get the Book "NAAM or WORD" by Sant Kirpal Singh from here (Download):
"If we understand this principle or Law of Karma, then we can come out of it and go back home. Otherwise, we'll keep on coming and going and coming and going. So each cause has an effect. Every action brings about a reaction. Uproot the cause and the effect disappears. This has been done by the Masters who have transcended these laws. But all others are bound by the bonds of karma, which is the root cause of physical existence. Of course, these are very good actions, the reactions of which have given you the manbody. But still we have to be very careful what we do: either we are trying to go back down or back home." - Dr. Harbhajan Singh
Get the Book "The Weel of Life" by Sant Kirpal Singh from here (Download):