KUNDALINI YOGA – Question and answer with SANT KIRPAL SINGH
The natural Yoga, called SURAT SHABD YOGA, is the direct way back to God. If you just catch the ray of the sun, that will take you – where? To the sun from which it emanates.
So in the Surat Shabd Yoga you have to catch the God-into-expression-Power, which has two phases: Light and Sound. It is the highest form of Yoga. This Yoga covers all these problems which other Yogas have. This is the most natural and easiest of all Yogas, which can be exercised by the old, the young and everybody.
Film from the Third World Tour, 1972 – New Hampshire. Our thanks go to Ruhani Satsang for the Video material.Read more: THE CROWN OF LIFE by Sant Kirpal Singh