"Today we are talking about a very important subject, karma, which is the root cause of our suffering, the root cause of our physical existence in this world and the root cause of all the problems of the world. If we know this subject completely, I can assure you that you will not be misguided in the world, for you will know how to overcome karma, how to overcome the riddle of your life. And knowing this, you will also be able to solve the purpose of your human life very well. In a few words, then, what is karma? To bind ourselves with our own actions, to bind ourselves with our own deeds and to bind ourselves with our own thoughts." – Dr. Harbhajan Singh

BOOK "The wheel of life: The law of action and reaction" by Sant Kirpal Singh – Download free


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125th Birthday Anniversary of Sant Kirpal Singh • February, 3rd-6th 2019 in Kirpal Sagar - Video

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Kirpal Sagar - Sightseeing-flight  - Video


God is a being and this being is you! - Video