On the occasion of Sant Kirpal Singh's birth anniversary, the students of Kirpal Sagar Academy framed the impressive programme with devotional shabads. With scenes from the Sarovar and the Assembly Hall - Kirpal Bhawan in Kirpal Saga

ENGLISH Translation:
Liberation, contentment and a righteous way of life
come through selfless service to You.
You alone are the reason to serve You.
The true Guru is the supreme Lord;
He Himself is the Lord of creation.
Your servant begs for the dust of Your feet.
I surrender to the blessing of Your Darshan

O my supreme Lord,
as You hold me close to You, so I remain.

If it pleases You, I will sing Your name.
You alone can grant me peace.

That place is heaven, where the Kirtan, the praise of the Lord, is sung.
You Yourself embed faith in us.

I live through constant remembrance on Naam;
my mind and body are intoxicated.

I wash Thy lotus feet and drink this water,
O my true Guru, who is merciful to the humble.

I surrender myself to that blessed time
when I came to your door.

God has been merciful towards Nanak;
I have found the perfect, true Guru.

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